SHARP Competition : Color Graphic Design

Sponsorship from SHARP ROXY SALES & SERVICE COMPANY Sdn Bhd. This design contest is proposed as a run up event to promote the new range of Colour Printers and also will lead to a closer business working relationship.

New Generations Award of KLFWend 2015

Congratulations to Sahar Fattah Hosseini. Her collection “Apotheosis” won the degree category of the recently concluded KL Fashion Weekend – New Generations Fashion Awards 2015.

New Generation Fashion Awards 2014

Congratulations to Irene Robinson for winning the Degree Caterory of New Generation Fashion Awards.

Sakura Collection 2014

Winner : Qamarina Abdullah

Congratulations to our Fashion Design student, Qamarina Abdullah emerged as champion in Sakura Collection 2014 Student Award based on the theme “Japan”!

Join Us for Open Day & Fashion Show | 22 & 23 March, 9AM - 5PM
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