Diploma in Creative New Media Technology Student, Kan Ren Wei Wins “IBDA Idea” in International Busan Design Award 2021

Congratulations to Kan Ren Wei (Jeremy), our Diploma in Creative New Media Technology student for his excellent achievement in the International Busan Design Award (IBDA) 2021.  His work “The 18 Floors of Hell – The Journey of  MingZheng” won  IBDA Idea in the Communication Design Category.


Previous known as Busan Design Exhibition since 1981, International Busan Design Award has been held for the third time as an international design competition since 2019.


By sharing various design concepts and linking platforms in order to realize and commercialize creative ideas, the International Busan Design Awards is becoming an open place for the global design industry.


International Busan Design Awards is an event co-hosted by the Busan Metropolitan City, the Busan Metropolitan Office of Education, and the Design Council Busan.


This year, 2021 International Busan Design Award ceremony, held as the main event of Busan Design Week, and the exhibition from Jun 17-20 at BEXCO Exhibition Center Ⅱ, Busan, South Korea.


*Busan Design Week (BDW) is the largest exhibition specialized in design in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam province, to improve the global market competitiveness of the design industry and expand cooperative channels through industries, schools, and government organizations, co-hosted by Design House Co., Ltd., KNN, and Design Council Busan.

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