KPT/R/KJP/00881 (12/2023)


The Advanced English Language Programme – Advanced Level at Raffles College of Higher Education (RCHE) is designed to help those students who have not yet achieved the necessary English proficiency level required to join RCHE programmes. This course helps students to practice and develop skills and strategies by completing IELTS-style practice tests in reading, listening, speaking and writing.


The module aims to provide advanced preparation to students wishing to take the IELTS exam, who may be required to show an improvement in their performance to gain entry onto their chosen courses. At the same time, students will improve their general English language speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.



Students will be guided in skimming and scanning for general or specific information (data /statistics, facts), processing information from academic and authentic sources such as magazines, journals and the internet, and logical organization of information.


Students will be exposed to assess a wide range of writing skills, write a response appropriately, organize ideas and use a range of vocabulary and grammar accurately that IELTS demands in academic writing.


Students will develop their speaking and listening skills in a variety of social and academic situations.

Listening – Students will be guided to extract information from texts of varying lengths (university lectures, radio interviews, radio documentaries, conversations), learn what information to look for and what to exclude. Students will be encouraged to use a large bank of listening and viewing materials to anchor their listening skill.

Speaking – Students will be facilitated to information in a formal interview context, giving an extended talk on a given topic, taking part in a formal discussion, and giving a formal presentation/report.


Join Us for Info Day | 13 April, 9AM - 5PM
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