Raffles-KL Fashion Design Student Wins “Next Celebrity Fashion Designer 2021” Competition

Congratulations, congratulations, and congratulations to our Raffles Fashion Design students JM, Coffee, and Ian for making the finals of  “Next Celebrity Fashion Designer Final Competition 2021” on Sunday 12th December 2021💃🕺🌟with their submissions as follows:
💛 Warriors, inspiration from Frontliners by JM @__junminn__
❤ Red Riding Hood by Coffee @coffeelum
💙 Nusantara by Ian @ian.gsj 

Sweat and tears flowed throughout the last few months for our 3 Diploma in Fashion Design juniors who were able to complete and present their masterpieces on the finalé! With the most unique concept and creative output, JM and Coffee were placed in the Top 2 positions, with JM winning the title. 🥇🥈

Congratulations again to the 3 of them for being the finalists in the final round! Keep the creativity flowing and well done! 👏 

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IG: @runwaymodelschoolmodelagency

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