Raffles-KL Fashion Showcase at Pavilion KL this January 2022

We have updated our Fashion Showcase at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur this January 2022.

Visit Raffles Kuala Lumpur’s latest Fashion Showcase happening now at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur featuring our Raffles Fashion Design students Lai Jun Min (JM), Lum Zhi Jia (Coffee), and Ian Goh who are the finalists of  “Next Celebrity Fashion Designer Final Competition 2021” with their collections as follows:

Warriors, inspiration from Frontliners by JM @__junminn__
Red Riding Hood by Coffee @coffeelum
Nusantara by Ian @ian.gsj 

and our Alumni, Gwen Woo, and Bryan Tiong (atomic_ _ _habit) with the debut collection “Half Sense”

The showcase is located at:

Level 5, Link Bridge, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur

Join Us for Open Day & Fashion Show | 22 & 23 March, 9AM - 5PM
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