In this current time and place where visuals “rule” the perception of human minds, Interior Designers are often caught in the haste of churning out photo real-like 3D renderings to meet the constant demand for these digital images. From ensuring that the materials & finishes are correctly specified, interior fittings accurately cost to meeting datelines and budgets, some of us may have forgotten the primary and fundamental task of Interior Designers – is to create SPACES

S.P.A.C.E.S. Solve Problems And Create E Spaces
We decided to meet up with two of our Interior Design Degree Alumni and talk to them about their achievements and how the Interior designing world has evolved and their role within it.

Together, we put up a spatial workshop to demonstrate to all budding Interior Designing students the importance of good spatial planning before the rest of the tasks can get started

Check out the details of the Webinar below:

Date: 19th June 2020
Time: 11a.m. – 12p.m.
Virtual Location: Zoom (Link at Below)


Click on the Eventbrite Link at bio to sign-up!


Join Us for Open Day & Fashion Show | 22 & 23 March, 9AM - 5PM
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