Raffles International Fashion Business Students Organises Industry Insights Seminar

Check out our Industry Insights talk series organized by the International Fashion Business students as their final project for their Personal Development Planning module.


The objective of this talk is to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in their industry of interest by offering them real insights from real industry experts and to conduct a phygital (physical and digital) event by having a live talk and live streaming it at the same time.


Introducing the trailblazing Industry Experts who shared their knowledge with our students:

Mandy Gioh @mandygioh, Head of Creative @chucks.co @heymotherchuckers @letsgohejau

Zulvanny @thezulvanny, Fashion Stylist

Cult Creative @cultcreativeapp, Creative Job Portal


For more info: https://www.facebook.com/RafflesKualaLumpur/videos/816720289781534

Join Us for Open Day & Fashion Show | 22 & 23 March, 9AM - 5PM
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